1.여권과 탑승권을 보여주시겠습니까?
Could you show me your passport and boarding ticket, please?
3.제 자리는 어디인가요?
Where is my seat?
4.당신 좌석은 바로 저기입니다
you seat is just over there
5.제 가방을 놓을 만한 곳이 있을까요?
Is there anywhere to put my bag?
6.가방은 의자 밑에 놓아주세요
Please put your bag under your seat
7.제 짐을 선반위에 올리는걸 도와주시겠어요?
Could you help me to pur my luggage on the overhead bin?
8.안전벨트를 착용해 주십시요
Fasten your seat belt, please
9.안대 좀 주시겠어요?
Could i have a sleep mask?
10.커피 좀 주시겠어요?
Can i have some coffee please?
11.제 좌석 좀 뒤로 젖혀도 될까요?
Do you mind if i pur my seat back?
12.커피 한자 마시고 싶어요
I would like to a cup of coffee, please
13.얼음물 좀 주세요
Water with ice, plese
14.뒷사람이 자꾸 좌석을 치네요
The person behind me is kicking the back of my seat
15.죄송한데, 시끄러워 잘 수 가 없어요
Excuse me, i can't sleep because of the noisy
16. 저 좀 지나가도 될까요?
Can i go thought?
17. 펜좀 빌릴수 있을까요?
Could you borrow me the pen
18.하나 더 주시겠어요?
Can i have one more?
19. 몸이 안 좋아서요, 약 좀 주실수 있나요?
I feel sick. Could you give me some medicine?